daddy tag I made out of a maya road atc acryllic coaster
shows the thin acryllic sheets I cut out and used for the front and back covers to protect the pictures
Ryans message - "Daddy, I love you so much. Ryan -complete with a little shark drawing
Camerons message- "Daddy, You are my favorite dad in the whole wide world. Cameron
Adelle's message (translated by Mommy) Daddy, I want to work with you one day. I want to say I Love You. I like to give you a kiss and hug. I Love You. Adelle - Then since the boys had written a message, she felt the need to write one out herself.
Kenadee's hand print. After this her and Mommy both had blue hands for a few days.
On the back acryllic cover I etched "Merry Christmas 2008" but it was kinda melting through since it was so thin- Oh well, I will know better next time.
Very, very neat!!!
What a special gift!
all the gifts are so creative, sweet, and special love your work!
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